Thursday, June 30, 2016

Treasure Chest Thursday - Grandma Matthews' Childhood Tea Set

Yes, I was planning to share another treasure from the basement stash this week, specifically a Swedish Bible, but I found myself a bit caught up in researching them and didn't have time to put a post together. I hope that I will be ready to post one of the next week.

In the meantime, please enjoy these photos of this child's tea set that my paternal grandmother, Dagmar Alice Viola Anderson, passed on to me when I was little.

As a child I was only allowed to use this set under strict adult supervision. It is delicate, although from what I've been able to find, not particularly valuable, outside of its sentimental value of course.

Dagmar Alice Viola Anderson b. 1905 - Manchester, CT


  1. How special to have a childhood photo and to own her precious tea set.

  2. I love your little tea set. It is sad that now we give little girls big plastic sets. Maybe appreciating fine things isn't important these days.

  3. I have gone to a great deal of trouble to hunt down little china tea sets for my little grand daughters and they love them. I have such fond memories of have tea parties with my mother's tea set when I was little. Funny that such a simple little thing can produce so many memories, but it can. So glad you ended up with the tea set.


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