Thursday, January 9, 2020

Favorite Photo - 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks - Week 2

I'm blessed with an embarrassment of riches when it comes to family photos, so choosing a favorite is an impossible task, but I do have some that are more meaningful than others.

As far back as I can remember, my mother has had a hinged frame on her dresser containing two photos:

As you could probably guess, the photo on the left is my grandmother holding my mother and the photo on the right is my mother holding me. I've always loved them and even from an early age, I think, could appreciate the historical aspect of them, but I never had any such photo of my dad with his mother.  The earliest photos I had seen of him were toddler stage or later until my step-mother handed me a plastic bag of loose photos six years ago.

We were walking out the door of her home late on a winter evening when my step-mother handed me that bag so there was no time to dig into it then, but as soon as Donald and I stopped for coffee I couldn't help but take a peek. The second photo out of the bag was this one, and I was overwhelmed with emotion for the rest of the ride home and for several days after.

Taken when he was six weeks old according to writing on the back, this and another half dozen photos taken at the same time, are the earliest known pictures of my father.  Six years later, this photo still makes me shake my head, knowing that my grandparents and then my dad had these all along, but stuffed away in a bag for so many years.

It is impossible to choose one favorite photo from my collection, but this certainly comes close.


  1. What wonderful photos. So glad you were able to add one of your Dad with his mother to the others.

    1. It seems I can reply to comments on my phone now, but not my desktop. Anyway, thank you, Patty!


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